Career Structure Profiling (CSP)
Career Structure Profiling (CSP) is an SaaS-based business consultancy tool enabling business leaders and executives to identify career transformation kick-starters and to chart career growth pathways. CSP’s unique personality-based algorithms are designed to identify an individual’s best work-life potentials that would benefit themself and their employer as equal collaborators to the company’s overall performance.
Why CSP?
The Career Structure Profiling tools helps individuals better analyze their work-life potentials and capabilities in a structured pathed methodology for future progress in career advancements.

Understand Inherent Capabilities
Know your personality strengths, rooted personal abilities and core competencies that can spur career successes

Identify Untapped Potentials
Reach your best potentials in areas outside your common and comfort zones to find new growth prospects

See Opportunity Gaps
Realise true potentials by optimising favourable elements based on unique personality types and transform roadblocks into positive circumstances

Implement Action Paths
Achieve new success heights by putting the career progression pathways into real actions by initiating changes to the way you work and how you respond to career growth- trigger moments

CSP Features
Career Profiling Report
A comprehensive and structured analysis of where you are in your career, where you should be and how you can get there based on your personality-based characteristics
Career Consultancy
Gain meaningful professional consult to review your current work situations and face-to-face advisory sessions to map out how your career can undergo a transformative effort
Career Action Plans
Chart actionable plans to change how you take charge of your career, be selective in optimising the right opportunities and taking on rewarding challenges
Career Reflection & Review Insights
Reflect on how your personality characteristics have previously influenced your behavior at work and how you function or respond to happenings in professional environments. With the review, be prepared to grab new chances to demonstrate your in-depth capabilities and kickstart a refreshed career journey.
Have any enquiries?
Drop us an enquiry for your burning questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can!